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Introduction to Rowing Coaching - Online

$25.00 / person, incl GST

01 Jan 2000
07:15 pm

01 Jan 2000 - 01 Jan 2099
07:15 pm - 09:15 pm
Same day every week for 3 weeks, New Zealand

The Introduction to Coaching Rowing Module is a six hour workshop in total to assist those who are new to coaching rowing with the basics to getting started as a coach.

Topics covered in the Introduction Module are:

  • What is coaching
  • Knowing your athletes
  • Safety
  • Planning and Reflection
  • Technique
  • Rigging basics

This module will be completed online with two facilitators. There will be 3x 2 hour session to complete the course. The sessions will be:

7.15pm - 9.15pm - Date TBC

7.15pm - 9.15pm - Date TBC

7.15pm - 9.15pm- Date TBC

The week before the course starts you will be sent a zoom link for the sessions. Please make sure your details are correct when registering for the course.

If the registration button is not available above, then please login to Rowing NZ (top right corner) and navigate back to this course using the Upcoming Events tab, then Rowing NZ Calendar link

In preparation for the course please sign up & complete the Rowing 101 by Sport with the link below tutor. https://sporttutor.nz/pages/description.jsf#/users/@self/catalogues/2906240/courses/3458242