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Level 3 - Leadership Coach Award

  • 07 Jun 2024

Currently Rowing NZ offers:

  • Level 1 New coach Award
  • Level 2 Development coach Award

What is the Level 3 Coach Leadership Award?

RNZ have identified a gap in support for coaches in leadership positions and the different skillsets required. With support from Sport NZ we are able to offer a Level 3 Award aimed at supporting head coaches of schools and clubs. Level 3 is a leadership award which runs for 12months and includes in person residential workshops, online connections and a mentor for the coach to help with their development and ability to lead a rowing programme.

Who is it for?

The Level 3 - Coach Leadership Award is for coaches who are currently head coaches of rowing programmes. Any head coach of a club or school can apply no matter how long you have been in the role. While our priority at the moment is current head coaches, in time we hope to expand this programme to include those who aspire to be head coaches, so they arrive in the role with skillsets already in place.

What can I expect on the programme?

  • Connection, collaboration and knowledge sharing with coaches from other programmes
  • Observations of yourself and others on water and in your coaching environment.
  • To provide input to the direction and content delivery of the programme so it meets the groups needs.
  • Action learning methods where you will reflect on yourself, plan, do and review changes

Registration process and costs

If you are interested in being involved in this programme please read the attached information booklet and complete the application form - apply here. Registrations close 19th July

Registrations close 19th July 2024

Cost: The cost of the programme for the coach is $500. (If this is a barrier please contact RNZ for information around payment plans or avenues for financial support)

For more information contact coachdevelopment@rowingnz.kiwi

Information booklet in attachments below